My Easter Day Thoughts

Apr 04, 2021

Faith. Hope. Determination

My Easter Day thoughts❤️ 

Over 20 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease I was told I would

never recover from. 


After years of suffering from much pain, inflammation, sickness, and exhaustion and

almost giving up hope, I decided to pray instead. 


I decided to plead with my Heavenly to not take it all away, but to show me the way,

to guide me, to help me to find answers.


Not only did I plead with him, but I also had faith that Because I asked and was willing

to do whatever it took, that he was going to help me.


I still remember and feel that quiet-peaceful, loving feeling I felt at that moment when


I was done praying...❤️


And then the miracles happened that changed my life.❤️


Step by step, with Heavenly Father’s help and the gift of the Holy Ghost, I started

getting answers. 


Each answer led me closer to understanding why I was sick and how to get better.

Through educating myself, studying, and doing my own research, and implementing

healing foods, supplements, and other natural methods into my life,  I was able to get

better and get off of all my medications and am so happy to share with you that I

have been medication-free for 3 years! 


I got a second chance in life—through Faith-Hope and determination. 


I had faith, hope, and determination because I didn’t give up. And I trusted in HIM,

and in my plan for me! 


And I realized my plan wasn’t to be sick. My plan was to experience the sickness, pain,

and suffering so I could learn and grow and have the strength, knowledge, and

experience to help others.


Just like Jesus Christ.


He wants us to be like him. We are here to learn, grow and be strong and healthy so

we can lift others up and help one another.


He doesn’t want us to be sick or in pain or sad or lonely, etc.


But he does tell us to take care of and nourish our bodies, educate ourselves-to learn

through experience, to love and serve others, and to always strive to be more like



IN ALL OF MY STRUGGLES I think of him and what does he want me to do. 

He is here to lift us up and to help to guide us and we have to have faith that he will. 

But he also expects us to put the hard work and effort in to get to where we need to



And through our diligence and hard work, we can become more like him.


He teaches us so we can do it for ourselves. 

“Give a man a fish, and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ll feed

him for a lifetime.”


Happy Easter my friends. I hope that no matter what you believe and no matter what

you’ve been through you can find some peace and spiritual connection and

happiness today. 


I wish you and your family health, happiness, and love. 





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